AY #121: Extending the arms and twisting to the back
This one is done on the back sometimes with the arms extended straight overhead with the hands interlaced and sometimes with one or both hands tucked under the back, palms down. Once in those positions the student is asked to roll, sometimes just toward one side, sometimes back and forth. In his comments Dr. Feldenkrais asks that students pay attention to the movement of the clavicles, the shoulder blades and the base of the cervical spine. For me, during the lesson it was all about the shoulder blades; after the lesson I can actually feel my clavicles, a very unusual sensation. This is not a lesson for those with shoulder injuries unless they are in the very last stages of recovery. Other than that, I think most people could do the lesson although I'd classify it as "lower intermediate" in the difficulty scale (you know, the difficulty scale that I just made up). If you can lie on your back, interlace your fingers and put your arms and elbows on the floor above your head, you'll be fine.
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