Monday, June 26, 2006

AY #118: On the stomach; tilting the legs in circles

Contrary to its title, about a third of this lesson is done on the back. It begins on the back with knees bent and legs held together. In this position the student is asked to paint circles on the floor with the soles of the feet; the knees and feet moving in opposition is encouraged. Then, on the stomach, this movement is explored by raising the feet toward the ceiling and first tilting the feet side to side and then circling them. If you've done ATM for awhile you've probably experienced at least a few variations of this lesson. How does the pelvis turn (twist) in relation to fixed shoulders? What kind of movement is available in the spine and ribs? How does the direction of the turn of the head affect the ability of the pelvis to turn? Another lesson that most anyone can do who can lie comfortably on both their back and their stomach.


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