Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lesson #110 On the back; twisting the spine with the head fixed

Perfect title: with the head turned to first one side and then the other and fixed in place by the weight of the hands, the spine is turned first by standing one foot and lifting the pelvis by pushing through the bent leg. In the next section with the head still fixed to the side, one long leg is raised toward the ceiling and lowered across the body toward the floor. Finally, still with the head fixed to the side, with one leg bent the opposite heel is lengthened away from the head which keeps a turn in the upper spine and adds an interesting bending through the lower spine. After the lesson, I found my entire torso “activated” in a very satisfying way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently taught this lesson and, as I had time at the end of class I had the students combine the first and last movements to explore the coordination of lengthening the spine in the two distinct ways the lesson describes. Notes for one side: lie on back, right leg bent foot standing, face towards left with back of stacked hands on right side of face palms toward ceiling, use standing right leg to roll pelvis towards left, as pelvis rolls back to center use long left leg pushing through heel to lenghen spine, and so forth. Switch head to face right, repeat movements of pelvis/spine. ~Allegra Heidelinde

2:22 PM  
Blogger Mark Hirschfield said...

Beautiful, Allegra. Thanks!

5:05 AM  

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